The our trade mark was established in early 1996. Do you remember that time? The shelves in shops began to fill with tourist and recreational goods of Russian and foreign brands. The epoch of total product shortage was over. But the prices...
People‘s incomes that time weren‘t high and they could hardly afford to overpay for brand names. It wasn‘t a way out to buy cheap Chinese or "makeshifts" products either. Our trade mark became exactly that offer people waited for! Qualitative and functional equipment at moderate prices found its consumer.
Literally the name of the brand can be translated as "new trip". And really we equipment became for many people a new trip. And not one!
What do you take with you when go for a trip? Right! A backpack. Backpacks were the first to be produced under our Trade Mark. You still can find many times updated, time and road tested "Vitim" and "Hunter" backpacks. These backpacks are completely different from those produced in 1996, but the idea and the names remained the same. It‘s a simple and durable backpack without any frills. One year
later we added two models of tents. Then a number of sleeping bags.
In 1998 Russia faced crisis times that became a severe ordeal for many immature Russian companies. People‘s incomes slumped and foreign goods disappeared from shelves. But these changes gave a pulse to the development our Company that was ready to work and produce goods for uneasy Russian market.
Boundless territories of Russia, lack of well-developed infrastructure, abundance of rivers, lakes, mountains and forests are perfect for outdoor recreation. The only thing you need is desire and reliable equipment. Our products are designed and produced specially for Russian external environment.
We equipment is designed according to geographical, climatic and economic location of Russia. It considers the style of recreation in our country as it was primarily produced specially for Russia.
Do you hear wind noise? It‘s time to go for a trip!